Can I be identified from my response?
Do I have to finish the survey in one go?
How do I get back to my response?
Why have I received an error message?
Why are my open questions responses blank?
How do I navigate around the survey?
The password or unique link, along with instructions, can be found in the email sent by us. Please refer to that email to locate your password or unique link. If you are unable to find the email, you can contact the Agenda technical team using the form below.
No, the survey is strictly confidential and you cannot be identified by your organisation.
We will use your data to create aggregated survey results and reports will only be produced for groups that are over a minimum number of respondents agreed upon with your organisation. This will be at least 5 respondents or more e.g. 7 or 10.
No one from your organisation will ever be able to see your individual response at any time.
In addition you may have the opportunity to provide general comments in free text questions. Comments will be collated and shared in reports but no onewill be identified against any comments. Any comments you provide in answer to the free text questions will be reported anonymously, but will appear in the final report exactly as you write them.
At Agenda Consulting, we are fully compliant with GDPR and you can read our Privacy Policy for Survey Participants on our website at
Completing the survey shouldn’t take you long, but if you can’t get through the survey in one go, your part-completed survey will be automatically saved each time you click on “Next” and you can come back to it later using your unique password.
Sessions can time out if you have remained inactive on a page of the survey for too long (over an hour). To re-enter your response, use your unique password. If you do not know your unique password or have lost it, you can contact the Agenda technical team who may be able to assist. Please note, not all unique passwords are recoverable. To contact the Agenda technical team, please use the form below.
If you have received an error message, it is likely that your session has timed out.
Please either:
Your responses to a page are only saved when you click the “Next” button. As the open question page is usually the last page of the survey, there is no “Next” button but rather a "Submit Survey" button. If you do not click “Submit Survey” after writing your comments, your responses will not be saved. For long responses to the open questions, we recommend you draft your responses in a notepad or a word document, then copy and paste them onto the survey when you are ready.
To navigate through the survey, click the 'Next' button on the bottom-right of each screen. Each time you do this, your answers on that page are automatically saved. If you want to change or check your answers, you can go back through the survey and amend your answers using the 'Previous' button.
Please use the form below to send your query to Agenda's technical support team.